Monday, May 30, 2011

Uh oh.

You know how I said I was
Yea, I definitely regret it.
I ate way too much for my own good.
Gummy bears.
Cheddar&Sour Cream potato chips.
All in all though it was a good Memorial Day.
Sunitha and I watched five movies today.
Only a little.
It was cold and rainy and it even
snowed today! 
Crazy, right?

On the other side of the country...
okay, several states away...
Tay was experiencing TORNADOES!
I will admit it, I was terrified for him!
Luckily the tornadoes didn't touch down
near them so they were okay.
Thank goodness.
One more day down.
Can't wait.
Tay countdown: 12! (practically 11 now)
Wedding countdown: 19! (practically 18 now)

I'm out.


  1. Ash!! You are going to love being married I am so excited for you. Living with a sales boy though not as easy if you ever need advice I've only lived a month of it but I am learning the ropes and I would love to help you get used to it because it is deff not easy when they are out selling. Congrats again!

  2. Haha thanks Kayde! I would love as much advice as you can give me! I am going to try selling with him at first but if I don't like it he said I don't have to do it. What do you do all day while he's gone?!

  3. I totally did the trying thing it was miserable but I hate rejection haha and its sooo hard its good to see what they are doing though and be able to So understand why they come home so dead all of the time. Heck if your good at it I would keep going I couldnt do it but I have a job as an event planner now and love it! Im lucky to have 4 other wives up here so we do wives dates haha and I play with their kids. I did not think it would be so lonely and since we moved here only a week after we got married I wanted to spend every living second with him but he sells from 12 to 11pm almost every day. It got lonely fast but we are getting a puppy this weekend! I clean a lot haha read a lot blog a lot after the first week you find a lot to do. I am so glad there will be another wife to talk to about all the great selling things!!
